8 Reasons Why an Afternoon Nap is Good for You
Why You Should Be addicted of Mini Nap ?
Why an Afternoon Nap is Good for You ? : A Nap is defined as a short sleep taken for the sake of quick relaxation or better say, most people have the habit of falling asleep during the daytime out of habit. While this may seem simply a daily habit, a nap taken properly can provide a lot of benefits.

Reasons Why an afternoon nap is good for any person ?
1.Short nap of one hour can rejuvenate the mind and body up to a great extent
After a very tiresome day when it is known beforehand that “I have to prepare for my presentation tomorrow and I am not prepared at all” or “I have an exam to appear tomorrow but I am so tired to study”, a short nap of one hour can rejuvenate the mind and body up to a great extent. Since the mind gets freshened it would be more alert. Thinking will be sharpened immediately and thus it would be totally worth the time if before starting the next shift of table work, you decide to take a short nap.
2. Lifts your mood almost immediately
After getting out of a nap, one feels relaxed from a tension or any emotional disturbance about which the person must have been wandering before sleeping. So the next time you are mad about someone or something, you may choose to sleep instead of reacting impulsively. Same goes to something that makes you feel sad. It does not mean that if you are sad for the whole day you will sleep all day. But sometimes, it is needed.
3. Puts the brain into a creative gear
Studies show that when the mind gets necessary relaxation when needed, it can sprout a whole lot of new ideas and burst in creativity. And these in turn increase one’s productivity in workplace or study. It increases memory retention power. The mind cannot remember everything when it is stressed out. So a nap can be called a system booster.
4. A Total Reboot of the human system
In most of the cases, a nap lets your mind and body experience enough relaxation. So after getting out of bed, you feel energetic, freshened and can feel total wipe out of those fatigue and sickness that you might have been feeling before sleeping.
5. Removes migraines
You may gain a temporary headache or migraine due to your hectic schedule. You can solve this problem by having a small meal, a painkiller and then doze off for a few minutes. At least in maximum cases it heals, although i cannot be sure about all.
6. Improves your evening and the night time till your original bed time
Well after retiring from a hard day’s work, you might have the will to spend a quality time at home with your family by watching television, gossiping, preparing dinner, watch a movie or anything else. Taking a short nap lets you release your tiredness and thus it helps in being present in those activities by 100 percent.
7. Triggers the release of hormones that destroys stress
Well this is self explanatory after reading till this point.
8. Great for health
Lack of proper sleep has a lot to do with bad health. So, if you missed out the peaceful last night’s sleep and you are feeling drowsy all day, take a short nap without a second thought. A properly taken nap gives you stamina but sleeping too much during day time is harmful. Officially it is recommended that a nap must be short. Sleeping for hours during day time is not good at all. It will interfere with your night time sleep. Also, it is bad for the cardiovascular health too.
This article can be used as a Essay on Nap , Essay on Sleeping During Day , Advantages and Disadvantages of Nap ,Why you should take a small nap ? , Why nap is good for health?