Advantages and Disadvantages of Television Essay,Article, Speech
Questions Related Advantages and Disadvantages of Television
- Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Television
- Essay On TV
- Speech On Advantages and Disadvantages of Television
- Paragraph on Advantages and Disadvantages of Television
- Composition On TV
- Short Note On Advantages and Disadvantages of Television
Essay , Speech on Television
Speech On Advantages and Disadvantages of Television : Television is one of the latest inventions of our age. The word “television” is a combination of two words: “tele” (distance) and “vision” (to see) thus it means to see from a distance. In fact it is an improved form of radio. It was invented by John logie Baird in 1920s, at that time; only pictures from a low distance were showed on television. But gradually different modifications were made with time. And now television is in its most advanced form. Now we can also use television as computer and can use internet on it.

Advantages of Television
Television can be useful source of information. People can be informed of all happenings and developments in the country in economic, industrial and political fields. Government activities for the well being of the nation can be televised. We can have a look at the conferences and seminars, giving aims, objectives and achievements of country in various fields. There are lots of Merits of Television. It provides entertainment to the people of every age, and has taken the place of cinema. Now we can enjoy movies, dramas, matches, cooking shows etc without going anywhere. When all members of the family sit together for a program, it improves the family relationship. There are also special programs for students to create awareness about their career. Students can gain a lot of information by watching informative programs like animal planet, national geographic etc.
Disadvantages of Television
But, everything is not good here. So there are lots of disadvantages of television, but these disadvantages are prominent when there is excessive use of television. For example, if students watch television all the night, they cannot awake early in the morning and so their school, college activities can be affected. If housewives watch television all day, then they cannot complete they home tasks at time which can results in domestic problems. Different movies and dramas can badly impact one’s moral values, because sometimes the movie or drama is only fantasy but one can take it serious. Excessive use of television can also cause eyesight problems in early ages.
Conclusion on Advantages and Disadvantages of Television Essay
As mentioned before, excessive use of anything is bad, excessive use of television is also bad socially, morally, and economically. Economically because television takes much electricity ;). So use it in a moderate way.
Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Television , Essay On TV , Speech On Advantages and Disadvantages of Television , Paragraph on Advantages and Disadvantages of Television , Composition On TV , Short Note On Advantages and Disadvantages of Television