Do Your Homework For Your Child’s Future
I remember a scene of my childhood when I turned to someone and said, “When I grow up I want to be a….”. Those were the days when I ended the sentences with words like ‘teacher’, ‘doctor’, ‘lawyer’,’Musician’ etc. However these days children no longer aspire to take up traditional professions and are looking to land in unexplored territory. And this is true for practically every little child.
Do Your Homework Axis Mutual Fund
Going through some information, we came across the new investor education awareness campaign Do Your Homework by Axis Mutual Fund that encourages parents to start investing early by investing through a Systematic Investment Plan. All my arguments with my husband about still having time to save for #PrincessHeer’s education went flying out of the window when I saw the estimate current cost of the courses and then the target amount for the same courses in the years to come on ‘Do Your Homework ‘. We realised that we had already lost a couple of years and we needed to begin as soon as possible.
As a parent never take your children’s aspirations for granted and plan for your child’s future in time. And incase you are not sure, take the Do Your Homework experiment and share the results with us on social media with your plans for your child.