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Drought is a condition of a land which has undergone a period of below average precipitation resulting in prolonged dryness and shortage of water supply whether atmospherically or surface/ground water.
It is a natural calamity although we do not count it like others such as flood, earthquake, storms, etc. Drought does not catch much attention when it occurs in a place of low human habitat. But if it occurs in a large area having human habitat, it has very devastating effect on the whole ecosystem as well as the economy.
Drought is a very serious condition and from the past there are many such examples which show how it affects us. Drought at first place is the condition created due to lack of rain for a long time.
Reasons of drought could be many. Some reasons are beyond human control. If the factors contributing to rain don’t support precipitation volumes sufficient to reach the surface area over a sufficient time, drought occurs. Drought can be triggered by a high level of reflected sunlight and above average prevalence of high pressure systems, winds carrying continental air masses than oceanic air masses, etc. can also reduce rainfall. Humanitarian factors could be those which degrades the land and reduces its water holding capacity, deforestation, increasing soil erosion, etc. Activities resulting in global climatic changes also trigger droughts with substantial impact on agriculture.
Drought causes bushfires due to lack of water. Dry season and heat trigger drought by increasing evaporation of water from water bodies available, increasing transpiration, etc.
The direct impact of drought related conditions on agriculture triggers famine and food shortage. Water shortage also affects all life forms equally. Subsistence farmers have to migrate into some other place in order to feed his family. Drought causes social unrest. Mass migrations from drought effected area to other places increases international refugees all over. People who are stuck due to inability to migrate are affected by malnutrition, hunger, etc. Mainly due to famine generated by crop failure, millions of people have died in the past. Drought in desert areas increases dust storms.
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However drought at present is somewhat manageable and it have been lessened by certain steps to whatever extent possible. Earlier due to lack of transportation ease, food was not been able to deliver to the needy areas properly. At least now this problem has been under control up to an extent. Building dams can also provide water at the time of need. Rainwater harvesting is a must and every person can do it in their own ways. Especially in places where such conditions of water shortages prevail, every person must take initiative to preserve rainwater. Drought monitoring can help predict drought beforehand. Desalination of seawater will make water more available for irrigation. Cloud seeding whenever possible will also cause rains when needed.
Though causal effects of drought is not much under human control, but when it occurs, positively it can be handled. But everyone have to come together to help the effected people. And if possible, animals too. They can’t help themselves so we need to take a Little initiative.
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