[box type=”success” align=”” class=”” width=””]Essay on the White Revolution | Paragraph on White Revolution | Speech on White Revolution | Article about White Revolution | How White Revolution Happened | Essay On Vergese Kurein[/box]
The White Revolution or operation flood was started in India after the success of The Green Revolution. The Green revolution was so named because it involved the development of high yielding variety of seeds and the development of food crops. The White Revolution similarly aimed at increase in development of dairy production and its related products. It was started by Dr. Vergese Kurein with the thought that development of diary production will help the economy to become better and lives of people will be improved.
Accordingly, the revolution started with the inauguration of a cattle farm of mulch animals in Gujarat in 1974. And thereafter it spreader to other parts. Before independence India had to import milk in order to meet its needs in factories. Similarly people had no or very less concept about rearing a mulch animal at home in order to obtain milk. So, the White revolution first brought awareness about all these matters and slowly it was successful in transforming the lives of 13.4 million farmers in India. And out of this, 3.4 million were women.
Hybrid and high producing varieties of cows were developed and the farmers were motivated to take up cattle rearing at home. India has a suitable climatic condition for this business and also there a plenty of feed available. That is why the farmers could pursue this business very lucratively.
Under the leadership of Dr. Kurein, milk production reached 710 lakh tons during 1997-1998. Milk is an essential and nutritious food as well as a raw material for many other sweets and dairy products. Therefore, since the need of importing milk was removed, the industries therefore profited more along with increase in production. Also, our own local people were benefited with this. And, the livelihood of those people improved from a steady income.
India is successfully among the topmost countries in milk production now. But still there are some unfortunate disadvantages too. The production of milk has no doubt increased. But the question is whether this full amount have been spent towards gaining enough profit. Making dairy products at great standards and then exporting it to other countries is not an easy task as it requires a lot of money. Also, the handling must be equally good. Evidently whole of India is not rich enough to afford this. Selling it in our own local markets cannot alone give back enough profits, although it serves towards fulfilment of local needs without much hassle. In this regard The United States of America has plus points and therefore they are at the top.
[box type=”success” align=”” class=”” width=””]Essay on the White Revolution | Paragraph on White Revolution | Speech on White Revolution | Article about White Revolution | How White Revolution Happened | Essay On Vergese Kurein[/box]