Fashion and Design Entrance Exams are the competitive exams conducted for entrance to various Under-graduation and Post-graduation Fashion and Design courses. Here we listed some of the entrance exams conducted to pursue courses in India’s top Fashion Institutes. Information regarding the type of Fashion and Design entrance exam, date of exam, eligibility, application procedure, important dates etc. is available here but AIEED is the most Important exam for fashion and design courses.
- All India Entrance Examination for Design (AIEED)
- Army Institute of Fashion Design (AIFD)
- Common Entrance Examination for Design (CEED)
- Footwear Design & Development Institute (FDDI CAT)
- GD GOENKA University Design Aptitude Test

Information About AIEED Exam : Admission, Criteria, Scholarship
Option 1: 10: 00 am to 1:00 pm
Option 2: 2: 00 pm to 5:00 pm
Option 3: 6: 00 pm to 9:00 pm
Candidates can write the offline AIEED Centre Based examination from any of the 13 cities across India.
The applicant can make a choice of any 3 exam centers in order of preference from the above list. Admit Cards would be available online 7 DAYS prior to both the exams. A link will be sent to the candidate’s mobile number; open the link to download the admit card.
The cumulative performance in all parameters mentioned below will be considered for the final selection of candidates. The selection of candidate is strictly merit based.
1. Performance in past education field
2. AIEED exam result ( NATA/CAT/MAT AIEEE score in the respective courses)
3. Performance in Interview + Portfolio.
Interviews would be scheduled for candidates who qualify the AIEED exam at ARCH Campus, Jaipur. It is advisable to arrive 15 minutes before the time specified in the call letter for the final selection. Candidates failing to appear for an interview session would not be considered for admission. Their applications will be cancelled. Rescheduling of interview in rare cases would be accepted if an application mentions the reason of absence clearly. You can write @
REQUIREMENTS: The candidate needs to bring all the following attested documents at the time of interview:
- Mark sheets of 10th, 12th (original & attested photo copy) and 4 Passport size Photographs (If result is awaited, then the admission will be considered provisional and candidates would be required to produce the mark sheet by July to confirm the admission)
- An attested migration and transfer certificate
- SC/ST, Others (Physically Challenged, NRI, Defense, Artisans) should submit an attested proof.
- Medical Fitness Certificate.
- Portfolio at the time of interview.
(A Portfolio reflects on the candidates interests & abilities and is a collection of any previous creative work done by the candidate in the form of illustrations, sketches, photographs, essays, prose etc)
The documents will be cross checked and the result of the interview will be announced on the same day.
Admission fees have to be deposited timely to confirm admission with Arch Academy of Design. The fees are non refundable under all circumstances. The final admission of the candidate will be considered only if he/she fulfills all the mentioned eligibility criteria. Default in producing the relevant documents at the time of admission will result in cancellation of admission. The session will start in the 4th week of July.
1. Scholarship will be given to the students on the basis of following criteria: AIEED result, Performance in past qualification, Interview + Portfolio, Income of the family, Ward of a single parent.
2. Scholarship will be awarded on first come first served basis. Once all the scholarships are claimed, further students would not be considered for the same, even if they fulfill all the requirements.
For any query or confusion, students are free to contact the admission department from Monday to Saturday (10 am to 5 pm) on numbers 0141-4060500/02/03, 9414070678. The student can also email at