Primary Education In India : Essay, Speech, Article, Notes
Primary Education In India : Education is said to be the backbone of a nation. A well educated population of a country is responsible for the economic, social and intellectual growth of the country. Primary education system is the founding stone of the education system. A good and well carved out primary education system nurtures the early growing years of the students. It is said that good founding education nurtures the further citizens of the country.

Primary Education in India is catered by both the private sectors and the Government. The government both at Central and State levels funds and runs schools which provide free and compulsory education as under the Right To Education Act,2009. The aim is to enrol as many students possible so that they get access to the basic education. Mid-day meals are the additions provided by the government to the students but after all these steps taken by the government the enrolled students are not increasing and the drop-out rates are increasing. The teachers are not delivering up to the expectations. They are mostly found absenting themselves from their duties and responsibilities.
Lack of proper infrastructure is also a major problem. There is lack of proper classrooms and laboratories. The other required facilities that are needed by the students but there is a hope which is given by the private sector which provides quality education to the students but it is not affordable to all and the government schools are only the means which cater to the majority of the students of the lower and middle income groups.
The rate at which primary education should reach the masses is not happening. There are many reasons to it, some still think that education is a mere waste which does not help in the long run while the others send their children to school till they are not in the position to work. As these children attain the age of 10 -12 years they are sent to work .
The dropout rate is also very high in the primary education owing to the above reasons. Nationally 29% of children drop out of education before completing 5 years of primary school. This is just a fraction of the total drop-out rate of the whole country. This is the major problem to be tackled by the government and the society so that our future generation emerges well- educated and socially responsible.
The gender problem is the major problem. In many areas still the girl child is denied education due to the old mindset and prevalent customs among the people.
The government is taking all measures to promote primary education. It requires the contribution of the society too. A well- educated populace is the strength of any country which leads it to success. So let us pledge that next time we a child devoid of education we will help him to join a school so that he gets the power of education and leads a good life