Pain of a Female Essay , Paragraph , Article , Speech
Pain of a Female Essay , Paragraph , Article , Speech : “Women were not created from the man’s skull. She was not created from his humerus. Rather she was created from his rib bone, so that they work hand in hand not superior or inferior to the other.”
Often we hear talks and seminars on WOMEN EMPOWERMENT. A special day to celebrate as WOMEN’S DAY. We also have special considerations if you are a woman.
So why did this in the first place?
Why is women given such motivation and strength?
We live in a society were women are given instructions on how to avoid the wrong doers than put these doers behind bars. She is given regulations on how to walk, dress and how to involve with people. Everything she does seems to create a problem for the society. The society expects her to stay at home, cook and take care of the household.She has dreams of conquering the world.She is expected to sacrifice them for the society’s thinking.
She goes through physical and emotional pain as she bends herself the way her people want her to be. She is meant to work at her office efficiently and back home, be the perfect HOME MAKER. At times if she is not having the so called JOB, people look down at her. She is considered as an inferior. Even with a job, the woman struggles to have a stand in the society. Her pain is not considered at times. Her emotions are pushed away. She is asked to think practically after emotionally blackmailing her. What society still doesn’t understand is that women are emotional creatures. It is emotion first then being practical for these lovely creatures. God programmed them in such a way that any situation is calmed by their one single action of love. As a lady myself, we go through a bazillion emotions when we are disrespected in the society.
Harsh reality is that women can’t do everything the man can.
A part of the society encouraged women to do what man can, so that she doesn’t feel small. They encouraged the femininity within her to be more masculine. Without even realizing; became a part of a sin that spread like poison which was believed would heal womanhood.
However, a small portion of women dint want masculine. They embraced femininity and encouraged the others too. When asked they replied saying that they don’t want to be forever dependant on somebody. They wanted to feel that they matter too.
Keeping aside her pain, the women still fight in our society; to get her stand and the earn the respect she is meant to.