Cashless India : Meaning, Essay, Speech, Article
India is one of the largest and fast growing countries in the world. Many countries are competing to bring India’s economy down by various methods. Though India has its advantages, it also has its equal share of disadvantages. The main disadvantage is India has the highest poverty rate which is clearly due to the increase in black money circulation in the country. Hence, our PM Mr. Narendra Modi has come up with wonderful ideas to make India the no: 1 country in all aspects. Main support for the establishment of the ideas of Mr. Narendra Modi is due to the growth of the field of technology.

Cashless India is nothing but using technology in handling cash flow. When people start using E- banking and E-commerce methods to solve their payment issues automatically the flow of black money will be stopped. The main advantage is to make people put all their earnings into the bank and pay their taxes correctly so, that everything will be systematized and well organized. This is the most effective way and fast method to stop and to demolish the spreading of black money.
The most innovative idea of his is the implementation of Digital India which is the program that is going to transform India into a digitally empowered nation with good economy knowledge. The amount of money invested for this magnificent project is around Rs 1,13,000 crores. It was the vision of the Department of Electronics and Information Technology to build this Digital India project.
These are a few statements enlisted in the Digital India program’s vision.
- To provide high speed Internet all over India even in inaccessible remote villages
- Teach and promote the benefits of E-banking to people at remote villages
- To help illiterate people learn how to use mobiles and bank accounts for effective financial transaction handling
- No conspiracy involved in providing the government services to people
- To ease the availability of government services both online and in mobile applications
- To help medical care to be provided to all parts of India with the help of Telemedicine
- To enable the usage of all government data resources available on the CLOUD application to all citizens of India
- Promotes services based on humanity basis and not on basis of a person’s social status.
There are pillars are those which is going to give a moral support platform for the implementation of this grand idea which is:
- Availability and spread of internet connections to all parts of India; even too remote and inaccessible villages of India
- Focus on the spread of mobile connectivity throughout India so that it is easier for the public to perform their government service, banking , financial transaction activities easily using mobile applications
- Public access to all the Government services , documents and data resources through the internet
- Training of engineering students mainly in aspects of Information Technology as it has become very much useful in this competitive world and also for this program’s success
- Enabling software applications such as use of bio-metric applications for attendance taking, making transactions, etc
- Emphasis on development of electronic gadgets such as smart cards, micro atms, micro mobiles, etc
- Decisions and new ideas to be implemented by the government will be told to the public using social media such as facebook, twitter, etc or published in a common public accessible website called MyGov.
- Electronic governance is adopted to prevent conspiracy issues
- Promotion of electronic delivery of services of any kind such as health, education, financial, justice, legal enforcement and agriculture.
The first step taken to digital India was the demolition of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes in India. I do understand that it will be very difficult to adapt to such changes immediately but if such immediate actions were not to be taken then India’s economical conditions will only turn from bad to worse. Thus, as citizens and youths of India it is in our hands to promote this magnificent India encouraged by our PM Mr. Narendra Modi who has a bright vision towards the upcoming of future India. Let us teach our brothers and sisters of this country the benefits of E- banking, Digital India Vision etc if they do not know as this is also one way to embellish a better relationship among the public of different religions. Always keep in mind the words,
Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; Working together is success
– Henry Ford